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What Grade or Level is your child

4 Feb 2024 8:37 AM

Beginner & Water Safety


You are now swimming in a lesson on your own! In this level you will be learning circles and kicks with
the help of arm floaties and back bubble… 

You now no longer need arm floaties and will continue learning circles and kicks with just the big back float

You now have moved from the big bubble to a smaller 2 slat bubble and will continue learning and gaining strength in circles and kicks 

You now have moved from the 2 slat bubble to a smaller 1 slat bubble, and will continue learning and

gaining strength in circles and kicks

You now no longer need a back bubble for circles and kicks! In this level you will be learning how to push

 - glide – and kick 

In this level you will be learning how to do big straight arms over (basic freestyle) 


Improver & Water Safety

You have now moved to a larger program pool – the teaching pool. In this level you will be 
strengthening the skill of basic freestyle, ear and bubble, backstroke kick and swimming over a 10

 metre length 

You have really improved your arms over freestyle, ear and bubble and will continue strengthening the skill of basic freestyle, backstroke kick and swimming over a 10 metre length

You can now do basic freestyle with big straight arms. In this level you will learn to improve your freestyle by introducing a breathing arm to the right side and introducing backstroke arms

Fromstroke & Water Safety

You have now moved to the big pool! In this level you will learn to improve your one sided freestyle and working on backstroke 

his level you will learn to improve your freestyle by introducing a breathing arm to the left side and will now be breathing on both sides and continue to improve backstroke

You are swimming freestyle breathing to both sides and swimming backstroke unaided! In addition in this level you will be learning to do breaststroke kick

In this grade you will be adding arms to the breaststroke kick and learning how to do breaststroke swim 

In this level you will be learning butterfly kick (with fins) in preparation for butterfly swim and mini squads

Stoke Correction Squad

You are now in squads! In this level you will be doing all 4 strokes – butterfly (with fins), backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle over a 12.5 metre distance 

This level acknowledges increased strength and skill on all strokes. In this level you will continue learning all 4 strokes (NO fins for butterfly) over a 12.5 metre 

You will now be training over a 16 metre distance! In this level you will continue strengthening and developing all 4 strokes – butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle 

You will now be training over a 25 metre distance! In this level you will continue strengthening and developing all 4 strokes – butterfly (20 metre distance), backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle


You have reached the top of the mini squads programme with your continual gold medal effort & commitment! In this level you will continue strengthening, developing and condition fitness in all 4 strokes – butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle over a 25 metre distance

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We are happy to announce that we now have a mobile application that makes it easier than ever for you to sign up for classes and camps, use makeups, check your student’s attendance, view skills and more - all on-the-go!


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